Geospatial Summer Fellowship and Symposium Program
** Archived Project **
(This initiative is no longer active in our portfolio.)
Program Summary
The Oklahoma NASA Space Grant Geospatial Summer Fellowship and Symposium program provides students with opportunities to explore the use of geospatial information science in higher education learning. The program includes hands-on online training, customized lessons and participation in the Geospatial Summer Fellowship Symposium to be held at the University of Oklahoma. Participants will study under the direction of Dr. May Yuan, Brandt Professor, and Edith Kinney, Gaylord Presidential Professor and Director of the Center for Spatial Analysis at the University of Oklahoma. Upon completion students will receive a certificate, laptop and stipend.
Oklahoma EPSCoR is pleased to be a funding partner of the program.
Fellowship Information
Twelve fellowships valued at $2000 will be competitively awarded to support student participation. One fellowship will be awarded to a student at each of eight Oklahoma NASA Space Grant Institutions. Four additional at-large fellows will be awarded from the pool of applicants to promote geospatial workforce development and diversity. Women and underrepresented minorities are encouraged to apply.
The fellowship award of $2,000 includes:
- Dell Latitude laptop provided for GIS lessons (will be given to student upon successful completion of the program)
- Student version of ArcGIS software
- Introduction to ArcGIS online course
- Additional learning materials on a topic of interest
- Lodging and participation in the Geospatial Summer Fellowship Symposium
- $1000 stipend paid to the student upon successful completion
Fellowship recipients are expected to:
- Complete introduction to ArcGIS online training and submit their certificate of completion
- Provide instructor with a topic area of interest for further GIS study
- Complete additional GIS training in the topic area of interest
- Attend the Geospatial Fellowship Symposium at the University of Oklahoma on the designated date
- Give a symposium presentation: STEM majors will give a presentation on GIS in STEM learning, education majors will present on using GIS in STEM lesson development.
Participants must:
- Be a US citizen
- Be a sophomore STEM (science, technology, mathematics and engineering) major as of fall semester of the fellowship year OR senior science/math education major as of fall semester
- Have a minimum 3.0 GPA
- Be a current student in good standing OR newly admitted to an Oklahoma NASA Space Grant Institution (OU, OSU, Southern Nazarene, Cameron, Langston, SOSU, SWOSU, ECU)
- Continue qualified enrollment for the pertinent academic year (students who will graduate in the same spring/summer of the program are not eligible)
For more program information, visit http://csa.ou.edu/content/summer-fellowship and http://csa.ou.edu/content/faqs-0. Email inquiries may be directed to Melissa Scott at [email protected].
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