Dr. Zeng-Yu Wang

EPSCoR Research Focus: 
Feedstock Development
Professor and Associate Division Director
Forage Improvement Division
The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation
Please leave this field as it is.
B.S. | Agronomy | Hebei Agricultural University, China | 1985
M.S. | Agronomy | Hebei Agricultural University, China | 1987
Ph.D. | Agronomy | Beijing Agricultural University, China | 1990
Post-doc | Biotechnology | Swiss Federal Institute of Technology | 1991-1995
Research Interests: 

Building a Better Bioenergy Plant in the Genetic Transformation Lab

Dr. Zeng-Yu Wang's research in the genetic transformation lab at the Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation focuses on the generation of novel germplasm by direct introduction of agronomical genes into important forage crops. Primary focus areas include:

  • Tissue culture development and transformation techniques
  • Cloning of agronomic genes and promoters
  • Production of transgenic forage plants with improved agronomic traits


Photo credit: OSU Agriculture Communications

Research Assistants Funded by EPSCoR: 

Chunxiang Fu | Postdoctoral fellow | China  | [email protected]

Key Publications: 

Bold items indicate OK EPSCoR-supported research

  • Ge, Y., C. Fu, H. Bhandari, J. Bouton, C. E. Brummer, and Z-Y Wang (2011). "Pollen Viability and Longevity of Switchgrass (Panicum Virgatum L.)." Crop Science.
  • Fu, C-X, J. R. Mielenz, X. Xiao, Y. X. Ge, C. Y. Hamilton, M. Jr Rodriguez, F. Chen, M. Foston, A. J. Ragauskas, J. H. Bouton, R. A. Dixon, and Z.-Y. Wang (2011). "Genetic Manipulation of Lignin Reduces Recalcitrance and Improves Ethanol Production from Switchgrass." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108.9: 3803-808. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1100310108.
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  • Fu, C-X, X. Xiao, Y. Xi, Y. X. Ge, F. Chen, J. H. Bouton, R. A. Dixon, and Z-Y Wang (2011). "Downregulation of Cinnamyl Alcohol Dehydrogenase (CAD) Leads to Improved Saccharification Efficiency in Switchgrass. BioEnergy Research." doi: 10.1007/s12155-010-9109-z.
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  • Jiang, Q., J-Y Zhang, X. Guo, M. Bedair, L. W. Sumner, J. H. Bouton, and Z-Y Wang (2010). "Improvement of Drought Tolerance in White Clover (Trifolium Repens) by Transgenis Expression of a Transaction Factor Gene WXP1." Functional Plant Biology 37: 157-65. doi: 10.1071/FP09177.
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  • Shen, H., C-X Fu, X. Xiao, T. Ray, Y. Tang, Z-Y Wang, and F. Chen (2009). "Developmental Control of Lignification in Stems of Lowland Switchgrass Variety Alamo and the Effects on Saccharification Efficiency." BioEnergy Research 2: 233-45. SpringerLink. doi: 10.1007/s12155-009-9058-6.  
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  • Xi, Y., C-X Fu, Y. X. Ge, R. Nandakumar, H. Hisano, J. H. Bouton, and Z-Y Wang (2009). "Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of Switchgrass and Inheritance of the Transgenes." BioEnergy Research 2: 275-83. SpringerLink. doi: 10.1007/s12155-009-9049-7.
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Curriculum Vitae: