Oklahoma Water Survey Public Forums on Water Reuse

Thursday, April 23, 2015 - 6:00pm - 8:30pm

Announcing the Oklahoma Water Survey Public Forums on Water Reuse: April 23, May 14, June 18
Location:  National Weather Center, room 1313, 100 David L. Boren Blvd., Norman, OK  

Water reuse in Oklahoma is the topic for three upcoming educational outreach forums open to the public at no cost.  The meetings are designed to inform the public and to allow people to provide input for Oklahoma’s future water resource planning.  Wastewater recycling, reclamation, and reuse may be options for many communities to augment their drinking water supplies, especially in areas where fresh water resources are limited.  These efforts could also be a tool to help achieve the goal set out under Oklahoma's "Water Act for 2060" - to use no more fresh water in 2060 than was used in 2010 while preserving Oklahoma's population growth and economic development goals.

The forums will be guided by the Oklahoma Water Survey together with the University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Water Resources Board, Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, the city of Norman, and Garver, a multi-disciplined engineering, planning and environmental services firm.

April 23rd Forum
The first public forum will help explain water quality and water quantity management practices in Oklahoma, the current regulatory environment for reuse of water resources, and a brief summary of these matters, as they relate to the 2012 Update of the Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan as well as help, lay the groundwork for the succeeding forums.

May 14th Forum
Forum 2 will explain where our drinking water comes from, where our wastewater goes, water supply and usage in developing countries, some basics on wastewater reuse and some actual case studies from N. Texas.

June 18 Forum
The last Forum will talk about the Norman Water Plan and discuss wastewater treatment options and goals.

There is no fee to attend, however, participants are asked to register at www.oklahomawatersurvey.org

For more information, contact Dr. Robert Puls at bpuls@ou.edu.  

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