Save the Date: 2021 Research Day at the Capitol
What: Research Day at the Capitol Virtual Poster Reception
When: Beginning March 30, 2021, and Running thru the 2021 Legislative Session
Where: Online (Link to be provided via email prior to event date)
On behalf of the Oklahoma Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR), you are hereby invited to participate in the 26th annual Research Day at the Capitol via a virtual poster reception. Presidents of 16 Oklahoma institutions of higher education have nominated the top 21 undergraduate student researchers in the state to participate in the 2021 event. Mark your calendars and make plans to view the research posters and oral presentations of these outstanding undergraduate student researchers online beginning Tuesday, March 30, 2021, and anytime throughout the 2021 Legislative Session; the event will officially end May 29, 2021. A link to the online poster reception will be provided via email prior to March 30.
Oklahoma EPSCoR began sponsoring Research Day at the Capitol in 1996 to make the Legislature and the public aware of the high-quality undergraduate research being conducted on Oklahoma’s college and university campuses. Students have historically presented their research in the State Capitol Rotunda during the event. The decision was made to hold this year’s Research Day at the Capitol in a virtual format in an effort to continue mitigating the spread of COVID-19. Virtual poster reception guests will have access to students’ posters and abstracts, as well as three-minute audio clips of participants summarizing their research projects, via the virtual site.
Oklahoma NSF EPSCoR, a program funded by the National Science Foundation and Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, is designed to increase Oklahoma’s exploration and growth in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. I encourage you to visit www.okepscor.org to learn more about this important program.
We hope you will make plans to participate in the 2021 Research Day at the Capitol beginning March 30!
If you have any questions regarding this year’s Research Day at the Capitol event, please contact Ms. Gina Miller, EPSCoR outreach coordinator, at [email protected], or 405.744.9964.