Oklahoma NASA EPSCoR Travel Grant Solicitation Issued

Important: All travel must be domestic only. Travel Grant funds may not be used for international travel.
Up to ten Travel Grant Awards, each averaging $2,000, are awarded for faculty and/or students to spend up to three days and two nights at a NASA Center visiting with scientists. The purpose of this grant is to provide the first step in initiating contact and forging a direct partnership with a NASA Center to develop possible research projects. Please refer to NASA's Four Mission Directorates or solicitations from the Office of the Chief Technologist for areas of research interest.
To apply, submit the following information:
- A cover/application page.
(Your specific research area and your emphasis on one of NASA's Four Mission Directorates or a solicitation from the Office of the Chief Technologist must be included on the application page.) - A budget (using the provided form).
- A short one-page abstract.
- A plan showing steps that will be taken to develop student internships with partnering industries.
Applications and cover pages must be received in the Oklahoma NASA EPSCoR office no later than August 31, 2012.
No late applications will be accepted.
Awards will be announced by September 7, 2012.
**All travel must be completed by December 7, 2012.
For questions, please contact:
Ms. Madeline L. Baugher, Project Coordinator: [email protected]
**Deadline for Fall 2012 Submission is August 31, 2012. No late applications will be accepted.