Funding Opportunity: OK NASA EPSCoR Research Implementation Grants
Oklahoma NASA EPSCoR has released a Notice of Funding Opportunity for Research Implementation Grants ($250k/year for three years). Full details and application procedures may be found at Research Implementation Grants (oknasa.org).
Letter of Intent (LOI) Due: 1700 CST, Monday, May 16, 2022
LOI Selection Announcement: Friday, May 20, 2022
Pre-Proposals Due: 1700 CST, Thursday, September 1, 2022
Pre-Proposal Selection announcement: TBD
Selected pre-proposal team will work with NASA Oklahoma EPSCoR to submit full proposal to NASA
Grant Cycle: 2021-2024 will consist of a Letter of Intent (LOI), a pre-proposal phase, and a full proposal phase. A statewide NASA EPSCoR board will select projects from the LOIs which will move forward through a preproposal stage. One submitted preproposal will be selected to prepare a full proposal that will go forward to NASA.
NASA Oklahoma EPSCoR anticipates the release of a NASA EPSCoR Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) for the Research Implementation Competition will be September 2022 with a 90-day turnaround for the full proposal.
Proposal requires research collaboration among Oklahoma researchers and their counterparts at a NASA Center or Mission Directorates. Commercial / Industrial partnerships are strongly encouraged.
NASA requires 50% cost share: for every $2.00 of NASA funds, $1.00 must be supplied as a match. Pre-proposals must include a statement indicating that the applicant understands and agrees to all budgetary and cost-share requirements should the submitted proposal be selected to move forward.
$250,000 per year for three years. Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education will provide $50,000 per year of matching funds; 15% of both NASA funds and Regent match funds must be allocated to NASA Oklahoma EPSCoR Office.
Research must align with NASA priorities.
- Since the new Notice of Funding Opportunity will not be released until September, researchers are strongly encouraged to consult the 2022 Research NOFO EPSCoR_Final-11-2021.pdf (nasaprs.com) for guidance. Special attention should be given to the evaluation criteria listed on pages 21-23.
Notice: The information above was retrieved from http://epscor.oknasa.org/implementation on 4/12/22 at 3:01 p.m. CT. Grant writers are encouraged to visit the OK NASA EPSCoR website to ensure they are reviewing the most current and updated information available.
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