Dr. Arif Sadri

Dr. Arif Mohaimin Sadri is an Assistant Professor in the School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science at the University of Oklahoma. He is a member of the OK NSF EPSCoR Track-1 RII Award titled Socially Sustainable Solutions for Water, Carbon, and Infrastructure Resilience in Oklahoma. The $20 million research project is a social science-led, multi-disciplinary collaboration among social, physical, biological, engineering, and computational scientists. More than thirty researchers from across the state are working together on the project, which began July 1, 2020.
Dr. Sadri specializes in resilience engineering, evacuation modeling, shared mobility, social influence modeling, machine learning, agent-based modeling, and network modeling. Dr. Sadri's research focuses on the critical interdependence between social and infrastructure networks and integrates human proactive decision-making components into the civil infrastructure management challenges. Dr. Sadri develops human-centered and network-driven techniques that complement the science of infrastructure resilience and sustainability.
Dr. Sadri's research supports the OK NSF EPSCoR project's Focus Area 4: Sustainable Water and Energy Infrastructure (SI). The SI focus area's primary goal is to develop an aggregated resilience model to characterize the influence of diverse stakeholders’ decision-making behavior on the functions of interdependent infrastructure systems. Through the development of this model, Dr. Muralee and his co-researchers in the SI focus area will advance understanding of the ways in which Oklahoma’s interdependent water and energy infrastructures interact with severe weather, S2S extremes (pluvial events and droughts), carbon cycle patterns (changing land use and increased frequency and scope of wildfires), and water management/reuse patterns (both surface and subsurface, requiring siting and sizing including increases in storage and pipeline capacities). This understanding will facilitate the development of an array of solution options for enhancing the state's infrastructure resilience that span the project focus areas (weather, water, and carbon/land use), enabling socially sustainable solutions.
- Alam, M.R., Sadri, A.M., Jin, X. (2021) Identifying Public Perceptions Toward Emerging Transportation Trends through Social Media-Based Interactions (Future Transportation 1 (3), 794-813).
- Ahmed, M.A Sadri, A.M., Amini, M.H. (2021) Data-driven Inferences of Agency-level Risk and Response Communication on COVID-19 through Social Media based Interactions (Journal of Emergency Management 19 (7), 59-82).
- Rusho, M.A.; Ahmed,M.A; Sadri, A.M. (2021) Social Media Response and Crisis Communications in Active Shootings during COVID-19 Pandemic. (Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 11, 100420).
- Mojumder, M.N.H., Ahmed, M.A Sadri, A.M. (2021) Identifying Ridesharing Risk, Response and Challenges in the Emergence of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) using Interactions in Uber Drivers Forum (Frontiers in Built Environment 7).
- Sadri, A.M., Ukkusuri, S.V., Ahmed, M.A. (2021) Review of Social Influence in Crisis Communications and Evacuation Decision-Making (Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 9, 100325).
- Hyman, M., Mark, C., Imteaj, A., Ghiaie, H., Rezapour, S., Sadri, A. M., & Amini, M. H. (2021). Data analytics to evaluate the impact of infectious disease on economy: Case study of COVID-19 pandemic. (Patterns, 2(8), 100315).
- Toha, T.R., Rahman, M., Salim, S.I., Hossain, M., Sadri, A.M., Islam, A.B.M.A. (2021) DhakaNet: Unstructured Vehicle Detection using Limited Computational Resources (International Conference on Data Mining ICDM#21).
- Mortula, M.M., Ahmed, M.A., Sadri, A.M., Ahmad, I., Ali, T., Idris, A. (2020). Improving Resiliency of Water Supply System in Arid Regions: Integrating Centrality and Hydraulic Vulnerability (ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering 36 (5), 05020011).
- Ahmed, M.A Sadri, A.M., Hadi, M. (2020). Modeling social network influence on hurricane evacuation decision consistency and sharing capacity (Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 7, 100180).
- Roy, K., Hasan, S., Sadri, A.M., Cebrian, M. (2020). Understanding the Efficiency of Social Media based Crisis Communication during Hurricane Sandy (International Journal of Information Management 52, 102060).
- Sadri, A.M., Hasan, S., Ukkusuri, S.V., Cebrian, M. (2020). Exploring network properties of social media interactions and activities during Hurricane Sandy. (Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 6, 100143).
- Lee, S., Sadri, A. M., Ukkusuri, S. V., Clawson, R. A., Seipel, J. (2019). Network Structure and Substantive Dimensions of Improvised Social Support Ties Surrounding Households during Post-Disaster Recovery. (ASCE Natural Hazards Review 20(4), 04019008).
- Gehlot, H., Sadri, A.M., Ukkusuri, S.V. (2019). Joint modeling of evacuation departure and travel times in hurricanes. (Transportation 1-22).
- Sadri, A. M., Hasan, S., Ukkusuri, S. V. (2019). Joint inference of user community and interest patterns in social interaction networks. (Social Network Analysis and Mining 9(1), 11).
- Sadri, A.M., Ukkusuri, S.V., Lee, S., Clawson, R., Aldrich, D., Sapp-Nelson, M., Seipel, J., Kelly, D. (2018). The Role Social Capital, Personal Networks and Early Responders in Post-disaster Recovery and Resilience. (Natural Hazards 1-30).
- Sadri, A.M., Hasan, S., Ukkusuri, S.V, Suarez Lopez, J.E. (2018). Analysis of social interaction network properties and growth on Twitter. (Social Network Analysis and Mining 8(1), 56).
- Sadri, A.M., Hasan, S., Ukkusuri, S.V., and Cebrian, M. (2018). Crisis Communication Patterns of Hurricane Sandy. (Transportation Research Record 2672(1), 125-137).
- Sadri, A.M., Ukkusuri, S.V., and Gladwin, H. (2017). Modeling Joint Evacuation Decisions in Social Networks: The Case of Hurricane Sandy. (Journal of Choice Modelling 25, 50-60).
- Sadri, A.M., Ukkusuri, S.V., and Gladwin, H. (2017). The Role of Social Networks and Information Sources on Hurricane Evacuation Decision Making. (ASCE Natural Hazards Review, 18(3), 04017005).
- Sadri, A.M., Ukkusuri, S.V., Murray-Tuite, P., and Gladwin, H. (2015). Hurricane Evacuation Route Choice of Major Bridges in Miami Beach, Florida. (Transportation Research Record 2532, 164-173).
- Sadri, A.M., Lee, S., and Ukkusuri, S.V. (2015). Modeling Social Network Influence on Joint Trip Frequency for Regular Activity Travel Decisions. (Transportation Research Record 2495, 83-93).
- Sadri, A.M., Ukkusuri, S.V. and Murray-Tuite, P., and Gladwin, H. (2014). Analysis of Hurricane Evacuee Mode Choice Behavior. (Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 48, 37-46).
- Ukkusuri, S.V., Zhan, X., Sadri, A.M., and Ye, Q. (2014). Exploring Crisis Informatics Using Social Media Data: A Study on 2013 Oklahoma Tornado. (Transportation Research Record 44(45), 46).
- Sadri, A.M., Ukkusuri, S.V., Murray-Tuite, P., and Gladwin, H. (2013). How to Evacuate: Model for Understanding the Routing Strategies during Hurricane Evacuation. (ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering 140(1), 61-69).
- Sadri, A.M., Ukkusuri, S. V., and Murray-Tuite, P. (2013). A Random Parameter Ordered Probit Model to Understand the Mobilization Time during Hurricane Evacuation. (Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 32, 21-30).